Thursday 14 July 2016

Division H Club Officers Training ( COT 1 ) & Joint Installation Dinner ( JID ) 2016


1.  Division H Club Officers Training 1 for the term 2016-2017 will be held on 30 July at PIDC Building in Butterworth from 11.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

A few club officers from Taiping Toastmasters Club will be attending this training session.

2.  District 51 Division H Joint Installation Dinner (JID ) will be held on 30 July at Iconic Hotel, Bukit Tengah at 7.00 pm.

Those who are interested to join this dinner, please reserve your seats and pay in advance to
President Susan Tan.

Division H Club Officers Training ( COT 1 ) & Joint Installation Dinner ( JID ) 2016


1.  Division H Club Officers Training 1 for the term 2016-2017 will be held on 30 July at PIDC Building in Butterworth from 11.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

A few club officers from Taiping Toastmasters Club will be attending this training session.

2.  District 51 Division H Joint Installation Dinner (JID ) will be held on 30 July at Iconic Hotel, Bukit Tengah at 7.00 pm.

Those who are interested to join this dinner, please reserve your seats and pay in advance to
President Susan Tan.

Calling All Taiping Toastmasters To Attend Our Annual General Meeting on 20 July 2016

Role Players:
Toastmaster of the Evening- TM Susan Tan
General Evaluator: DTM Rathy
Inspirer : TM Mohanee
Table Topics Master:  TM Ranjit
Table Topics Evaluator:  TM Abdul Halim
Grammarian:  TM Ramachandran
Ah Counter: TM Shu Jo Lin
Timer: TM Roselyn Low
Project Speakers:
TM Susan Tan -Evaluator, TM Karunamuthy
TM Mabel Shu - Evaluator - TM Aileen Oon
( TM Timothy 's project speech is carried forward to August 17 .

Thursday 7 July 2016

What is your educational journey?

The Toastmasters Pathways learning experience offers many different routes for exploration and achievement. It’s a journey of possibilities. Pathways features online learning, cutting-edge content, interactive tools, strong mentoring and evaluation components, and a multitude of options. Exciting learning paths include Motivational Strategies, Presentation Mastery and Effective Coaching. In Pathways, members can learn nearly 300 competencies—practical skills that are transferrable to the world outside Toastmasters.

This modernized learning experience is the result of years of planning and expertise by a large team, including the Board of Directors, World Headquarters staff and member volunteers. The program’s wide-ranging benefits include:
  • Customized learning tailored to personal and professional goals
  • Early and frequent recognition of accomplishments
  • Mobile access to educational materials
  • Expanded video and digital content
Progress in Toastmasters learning is a journey of self-development. Pathways will help you reach your potential.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Congratulations ! TM Susan Tan is the new President of Taiping Toastmasters Club for 2016-2017

   Immediate Past President, TM Corrine Eng pinning the President's Pin for
Taiping Toastmasters Club new President , TM Susan Tan Siew Siong, CTM, CL

New President , TM Susan Tan has made a come back to our
club as its second time President.  She hopes to work together
with her new Executive Board and all members to maintain
the excellence of this club .  TM Susan Tan will have the support
she needs.  


Taiping Toastmasters Club will be holding its Humourous Speech and Speech Evaluation Contests on 
3 August 2016 at 8.00 pm in Panorama Hotel.

1.  A contestant must be in good standing of the club. ( Paid fees - active status )
2.  The length of speech - 5 - 7 mins.  
3.  It must be selected by the contestant and can be substantially original.
4.  The speaker should avoid potentially objectionable language, anecdotes and materials.
5.  The speech must be thematic in nature ( opening, body ,and close), not a monologue ( series of one-liners ) 

6.  A contestant will be disqualified if the speech is less than 4 mins. 30 secs. , or more than 7 minutes 30 secs.
7.  Timing will begin  once there's verbal or non-verbal communication with the audience.
8.  Green light - will be displayed at 5 minutes and remain displayed for 1 minute.
9.  Yellow light - will be displayed at 6 minutes and remain displayed for 1 minute.
10.  Red light - will be displayed at 7 minutes and remain displayed until the speech is concluded.
11.  There will be one minute of silence between the contestants, during which the judges will mark their ballots.


1.  At the beginning of this contest , a five-to-seven-minute test speech will be presented.
   a.  The test speech shall be either a contest-type speech, or taken from one of the assignments
         in the Competent Communicator manual.
   b.  Contestants are permitted to make preparatory notes during the test speech using
         materials of their choice.
   c.   It is recommended that at all levels of the contest, the Toastmaster giving the test speech
         is not a member of the same club as anyone of the contestants.
   d,  The test speaker shall be introduced by announcing the speaker's name , speech title and
         the speaker's name.

   e.   Neither the manual project nor any objectives that the speaker may have shall be made
         known to the contestants , chief judge, voting judges, tie breaking judge or audience.

2.  At the conclusion of the test speech, all contestants shall leave the room.  They then have
    five minutes to prepare their evaluation using materials of their choice.
   a.  Timing and preparation supervision shall be under the control of the contest sergeant at
   b.  Where it is not practical for contestants to leave the room,  contestants will complete their 

        five - minute preparation in the same room under the control of the contest sergeant at
  c.  After 5 minutes have elapsed, no further preparation shall be allowed and with the
      exception of the first contestant, who shall be called back as first evaluator, all others shall
      hand all written materials to the contest sergeant at arms.  Preparation materials shall be
     handed back to contestants as they are introduced to present their evaluation.

  d. Introduce the contestant by announcing the contestant's name twice because Evaluation
      speeches do not have titles.

3.  Timing of Evaluation speech:
  a.   The green light will be displayed at 2 minutes and remain displayed for 30 seconds.
  b.  The yellow light will be displayed at 2 minutes 30 seconds and remain displayed for 30
  c.  The red light will be displayed at 3 minutes and remain displayed until the evaluation is



 All members please attend this important meeting.  We are going to take a big group photo
for the Toastmasters International Magazine .

There will be an Annual General Meeting after the usual club meeting on
20 th  July 2016
Time: 7.45 pm
Venue:  Conference Room , 5th Floor, Panorama Hotel

Role- Players:

Toastmaster of the Evening : TM Susan Tan
General Evaluator: DTM Rathy
Inspirer : TM Mohanee Selvam
Table Topics Master: TM Ranjit Singh
Table Topics Evaluator:  TM Abdul Halim
Grammarian :  TM Ramachandran
Ah Counter:  TM Jo Lin
Timer :  TM Roselyn Low

Project Speakers:
1.  TM Mabel Shu Suet Ling -  Evaluator(  TM Aileen Oon )
2.  TM Susan Tan  -  Evaluator ( TM Karunamurthy )
3.  TM Timothy Mun - Evaluator ( TM Angie Ng )


Taiping Toastmasters Club Executive Committee 2016-2017

Congratulations to all the 2015-2016 Education & Leadership Award Achievers

TM Corrine Eng achieved Advanced Leadership Silver ( ALS ) .  She also
contributed an additional point when she completed her Competent Communicator or CC.
As the Club President , TM Corrine Eng had successfully brought our club to its greatest
heights being the President's Distinguished Club by scoring a Perfect 10.  Congratulations!
We are proud of you and our club.  This is the third time Taiping Toastmasters Club won the President Distinguished Club.  ( 2004, 2010 , 2015 as recorded in TI website)  

Immediate Past President, TM Lawren Yong received his
Toastmasters International Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS) presented
by Vice President Education, TM Aileen Oon.  Congratulations!

A token of appreciation for TM Lawren Yong's  contribution to our club
from President TM Corrine Eng.  

TM Aileen Oon presented TM Angie Ng with the Advanced Communicator Bronze,
ACB award certificate,  Congratulations, TM Angie!

TM Aileen Oon proudly received both her Competent Communicator, CC
and Competent Leadership , CL awards certificates and ribbons from
President TM Corrine Eng.

TM Ow Yeang has achieved her title , Competent Communicator 
during the term 2015-2016.  A confident speaker she is and 
we wish her further success. Congratulations! 

TM  Jenny Chai also achieved her Competent Communicator title this term.
We congratulate her and hope she will continue to pursue her Education Awards.

Entertainment Time - Gems For Gems after Dinner - 1 July 2016

TM Goon Mei Leng was the time-keeper wherelse , TM Ranjit Singh
assisted by showing 
the word cards.  Well done both of you as the
Gem to Gem session went on 
TM Mohanee Selvam, CTM, CL conducted the Gems For Gems session .
Congratulations on a job well done.  Everyone enjoyed themselves.  

DTM Sukhdev Singh was the first participant.  He made up
a hilarious story with words like, ' dinosaur' , ' nasi lemak' etc.
TM Timothy Mun was very cool when he delivered his funny story till the end.
He was the Champ of Gems for Gems that evening.  Congratulations!

TM R. Menon , President of YMCA of Ipoh Toastmasters Club 
tickled everybody with his hilarious story.  No doubt, it was
a night of laughter. Taiping Toastmasters Club should
conduct this game once in awhile as Laughter Is A Good Medicine.

TM Balraaj Singh, our new Toastmaster definitely is good .  As a first timer
like the others except DTM Sukhdev, he did very well. 
TM Parmala Satheesan from Navem Toastmaster in KL ,
also the national Inner Wheel Club 

President joined our event .  
Everyone enjoyed her story as much as herself.  
TM Shu Jo Lin participated in Gems for Gems for the first time too and

I am sure she will remember the experience of telling a hilarious story of a dinosaur

 eating nasi lemak etc.  
Second Prize winner,  DTM Sukhdev Singh receiving his prize from
President TM Susan Tan.  

TM Balraaj Singh won the third prize.   Congratulations!

Dinner in conjunction with the 38th Installation of President TM Susan Tan and her club officers.

Dinner was at the Panorama Coffee House .  Taiping Toastmaster Club has been having our meetings at Panorama Hotel for many years.  We thank the hotel administration for the support to our club.
From left:  TM Timothy Mun, DTM Johnson Tang and his spouse and DTM Sukhdev Singh

Eleven beautiful ladies from the Taiping Inner Wheel Club including their Taiping President Vinder Aujla and President Parimalar Satheesan from KL ( also from Navem Toastmaster Club) attended our event to support our Taiping ToastmastersClub.  DTM Rathy Mahendran and President TM Susan Chan and IPP TM Corrine Eng are also Inner Wheel members too.  We appreciate their warmth and fellowship. 
 Thank you,ladies.

From left:                              ,  TM Balraaj Singh,  TM Ranjit Singh,  Mdm Paramjit Kaur,  TM Olga Katherina,  Mr Conelius Cyril,  Mdm Juliet Arulando.

Big Group Photo at the 38th Installation of Exco for 2016-2017 on 1 July 2016

1 July 2016 - Taiping Toastmasters Club held its 38th Installation of the Executive Committee of new club officers at 7 pm in the Conference Room , 5th Floor of Panorama Hotel.  We would like DTM Johnson Tang, District 51 Director, DTM Yoon Peng Yew, District 51 Club Growth Officer , TM Simon Yeap, ACB, CL , Area H1 Director, TM Neo Chan, ACB, CL, Area H2 Director, TM Billy Teoh, ACB, CL, Area H4 Director , TM R. Menon, CTM, CL, President of YMCA of Ipoh Toastmasters Club, and DTM Nithianandan ( Past President of Taiping Toastmasters Club ) and member of Oracle Advanced TM Club.  50 Toastmasters and guests attended this grand event of the year.  11 members from Taiping Inner Wheel Club and other friends attended our programme which also included a dinner and entertainment session.

Sunday 3 July 2016

1 July 2016 -Taiping Toastmasters Club 38th Installation of Exco 2016-2017

President TM Susan Tan's new Club Officers for 2016-2017 were installed on 1 July by Area H1 Director, TM Simon Yeap.  ( TM May Cheah and TM Daljit Kaur could not make it for this installation )
President, TM Corrine Eng and her Excecutive Committee or Club Officers for 2015-2016 were discharged by Area H1 Director, TM Simon Yeap,ACB, CL.  Congratulations for achieving the President's Distinguished Club status this term.  

TM Aileen Oon , CC, CL served as the Vice President Education during

 the last two terms.  Thanks for this token of appreciation, President TM Corrine Eng

TM Mohanee Selvam , CTM, CL, was the Vice President Membership for

2015-2016 and reappointed for another term.

Thanking TM Karunamurthy for his being the Secretary of the club during

TM Corrine Eng's term as President.

President Corrine appreciated TM Ranjit Singh's role as Sergeant at Arms during her term .  

Thanking DTM Sukhdev Singh for his service as the Treasurer of the club.
Being the oldest member of the club for 35 years, he has since been the pillar of
our club and his advice and guidance are invaluable and greatly appreciated.

Immediate Past President, TM Lawren Yong receiving a gift and a

certificate of appreciation for 2015- 2016 from President Corrine Eng.
TM Aileen Oon received the Toastmaster of the Year 2015-2016 from President Corrine Eng.

She was also the Toastmaster of the Year 2014 - 2015 when TM Lawren Yong was the President.  TM Aileen Oon expressed her gratitude and appreciation to both Presidents and fellow Toastmasters from the club for this inspiring award which she has won consecutively for two years.

A special bouquet of flowers for our special President TM Corrine Eng from
TM Angie Ng.