Saturday, 26 March 2016

6 APRIL 2016 - Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting / Election of New Office Bearers for 2016 /17

Attention Taiping Toastmasters and friends,

We are having our next club meeting on Wednesday, 6 April 2016 at 7.45 p.m. in the Conference Room, 5th Floor of Panorama Hotel.

There will be a brief session after the meeting to elect the new officer bearers for the new term,
2016 / 17.  Hope that all Taiping Toastmasters Club members will attend this meeting.

The Toastmaster of the Evening is TM Susan Tan Siew Siong.
Theme:  Elect Elected Election
General Evaluator :  TM Aileen Oon
Table Topics Master:  TM Ow Yeang
Table Topics Evaluator : TM Mohanee
Grammarian : TM Rathy
Ah Counter :  TM Jo Lin
Timer: TM Mabel
Humour Master : TM Karunamurthy
Project Speakers, please inform VPE on your projects and your evaluators.  Thank you.

More Useful Tips on Public Speaking

10 Tips To Beat Your Fear On Public Speaking
Link :

1. Prepare.
2. Understand your fears.
3. Loosen up.
4. Be human.
5. Tell a Joke.
6. Keep it light.
7. Pause.
8. Don’t try to sell something.
9. Don’t fear your audience.
   10.Be willing to make mistakes

7 Tips For Becoming An Excellent Public Speaker

Source :

1.     Practice transitioning from a transcript to your memory.
2.     Use notes sparingly.
3.     Release nervous energy with controlled breathing and lay off the coffee.
4.     Take your time.
5.     Place to your strengths.
6.     Don’t apologize at the start of your speech.
   7.    Know your audience.


17 Public Speaking Tips You Can't Afford To Ignore

1.     You don’t have to tell them what you’re going to tell them.
2.     Cut, cut, cut!
3.     An entire story is designed to serve the end.
4.     The speech starts with your bio, before you walk onstage.
5.     Establish right away that you know what the world looks like for them—and what it could look like.
6.     Reward your audience for participating or contributing in some way.
7.     Use open hands with your palms up instead of your finger for pointing.
8.     People say yes when we’ve affected them intellectually, emotionally or physically.
9.     Outline your content and then unpack it.
10.  Use props.
11.  Use contrast and extremes to create excitement and keep attention.
12.  Keep moving forward. Never let your energy drop.
13.  Audiences like to think that events on the stage are happening spontaneously.
14.  Stand and land.
15.  You can move and talk at the same time.
16.  Don’t say, “I’m glad to be here.” Show them that you’re glad to be there instead.
  17.   Don’t tell them you’re going to tell a story. Just tell the story.

18 Powerful Public Speaking Tips For Absolute Beginners

Source :

18 Powerful Public Speaking Tips For Absolute Beginners 

1. Act In-Spite of Yourself – Just Do It!
2. Always Build On Your Strengths
3. Practice with People You Know and Feel Comfortable With (Including Yourself in The Mirror!)
4. Record yourself to Train your Voice and Body Language
5. Carefully Study and Emulate Your Favorite Public Speaker(s)
6. Become a Serious Armchair Public Speaking and Body Language Expert
7. Work on Ditching The Notes
8. Have Plans for the Unexpected
9. Do Pre-Event Promotion
10. Add Social Sites to your Actual Presentation – Especially Twitter!
11. Establish a Pre-Speaking Routine
12. Exercise and Breath before Your Speech
13. Thank Your Audience When You’re Done
14. Analyze Your Performance For Next Time
15. Don’t Talk Right Away
16. Never Start with An Apology
17. Show up to Give, Rather than Take
18. Choose to Turn Your Nervous Energy into Contagious Excitement

Useful Tips on Public Speaking

Hello, Friends.

Here are the links to useful some tips on Public Speaking .  Thanks to Facebook friends who shared them.

Do not miss the chance to find out more .  You may click on the links given below.

11 Ways To Win At Public Speaking 

Teaching Presentation Skills To Kids

Sunday, 20 March 2016

The Toastmasters International District 51 Langkawi 22nd Annual Conference

Dinner on the first day of the conference
From left:  TM Corrine Eng, TM Angie Ng, TM Aileen Oon & TM Lawren Yong
Toastmasters International District 51 Langkawi 22nd Annual Conference- 31 April - 2 May 2015 . Attended by TM Lawren Yong,  TM Corrine Eng, TM Aileen Oon and TM Angie Ng


We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders

We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and greater growth.


  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Service
  • Excellence
A TOASTMASTER'S PROMISEAs a member of Toastmasters International and my club,  I promise...

  • To attend club meetings regularly;
  • To prepare all my speech and leadership projects to the best of my ability ,basing them 
    on projects in the Competent Communication manual ,  Advanced Communication manuals or Competent Leadership manual;
  • To prepare for and fulfil meeting assignments;
  • To provide fellow members with helpful, constructive evaluations;
  • To help the club maintain the positive, friendly environment necessary for all members to learn and grow;
  • To serve my club as an officer when called upon to do so;
  • To treat my fellow club members and our guests with respect and courtesy;
  • To bring guests to club meetings so they can see the benefits Toastmasters membership offers;
  • To adhere to the guidelines and rules for all Toastmasters educational and recognition programs;
  • To maintain honest and highly ethical standards during the conduct of all Toastmasters activities
WHAT IS TOASTMASTERS?  -  The PowerPoint Slideshow in this blog ( bottom ) will
help you understand more about Toastmasters.

You can click on the buttons ( Some sections are still incomplete.  My apologies )
By clicking on the links at the side of the page you can visit other relevant websites.
If you need any help, do leave a comment after the post.  Thank you.

Saturday, 19 March 2016


Taiping Toastmasters Club will be represented by Present President 2015/16 ,TM Corrine Eng , ImmediatePast President TM Lawren Yong 2014/15, Vice President of Education 2015/16, TM Aileen Oon, Vice President of Public Relations 2015/16 , TM Angie Ng, TM Susan Tan Siew Siong and TM Goon Mei Leng

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Inspired by the 2014/15 Taiping Toastmasters Club "Toastmaster of the Year" Award .

Thanks TM Lawren Yong for this beautiful plaque which I will treasure .  I am glad I finally got the opportunity to join Toastmasters .  It's never too late as this interesting programme has helped me develop my communication skills and now I am more confident in delivering speeches in public. Moreover, I have found many new good friends in Toastmasters.  I hope to be able to serve this club and  help to mentor other new members as well.  When I am free, I hope to improve on this blog too. 
My special thanks and appreciation goes to Immediate Past President Lawrence for this inspiring award. for 2014 / 2015. I didn't expect it and it came as a lovely surprise.  Having joined Toastmasters since 1 July 2014, I have tried my best to catch up with the missing years.  I appreciate the trust in me to hold the post of Vice President of Education too.  This is surely another challenge for me to prove myself to be a competent communicator and a good leader  in  the near future. Thanks to President Corrine Eng , my mentor DTM Sukhdev and fellow Toastmasters of my club and others who have inspired me a lot.

16 March 2016 - Taiping Toastmasters Meeting -Theme - Celebrating Women

We enjoyed this session and we are glad to have a few quests with us too.  Our new member, TM Rama from Trong is eager to follow this wonderful Toastmaster programme. Hope to have more new members from time to time.
4 project speakers presented their speeches.  They were TM Lawren Yong, TM Corrine Eng , TM Aileen Oon ( successfully completed CC manual projects ) and TM Mohanee.  Thanks to all the evaluators and everyone present. 
I am glad teenagers too are interested to find out more about our Speech Laboratory .  They expressed their interest to improve their oral English skills.  Hope to start Gavel Clubs in local schools here but firstly, secondary school teachers are encouraged to join Toastmasters themselves to be able to lead the Gavel Clubs.  
TM Ranjit Singh participated in the Table Topics Session.  He too was the General Evaluator for the evening. His role as Sergeant At Arms is until the end of this term.
  Thank you , TM Ranjit.

2 March 2016 - Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting - Theme - Keep Fit

Such a nice shot. Just look at them laughing happily . 
Add caption
The theme for the meeting was "Keeping Fit"  .   TM Susan Tan ( second from right ) was the Table Topics Master and she played her well.  She is back to action after having been absent for a long time as she was living in Australia.  She  never failed to pay her dues though .We do welcome back all our senior members.  It is good to see you all.

Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting on 18 February 2016 - Theme- Festivals

Chinese New Year Toastmasters Meeting . Nice to have two guests with us .  Ms Jane is from Erican English Centre.  We appreciate DTM Nithia's assistance in supporting our club by sharing his knowledge and experience especially in evaluation. 
Our present President, TM Corrine Eng presented her interesting project speech on the zodiac animals.

Taiping Toastmasters at the Workshops in Safira Club on 15 December 2015

DTM Sukhdev , TM Corrine Eng, TM Aileen Oon and TM Karunamuthy at the Safira Club for two enlightening talks.  The first was entitled, "The Art of Evaluation"and the other, "The DTM Journey".  

Christmas Meeting on 16 December 2015

TM Ow Yeang did a wonderful job as the Toastmaster of the Evening.  
Everyone was in a cheerful mood.  We would like to thank TM Jenny Chai who decorated the room with Christmas decorations in the afternoon as she could not make it at night for the meeting.  
TM Aileen Oon presented her speech , " The Christmas Spirits".
TM Abdul Halim was the General Evaluator for the meeting.  Well done!
DTM Sukhdev was the evaluator for  project speaker, TM Mohanee.  Thanks.  

Toastmasters Workshops at Lodge 18 in Butterworth.

Four of us from Taiping Toastmasters Club attended the two workshops conducted by DTM Phang at Lodge 18.We enjoyed the Photography Workshop especially. 

Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting on 2 December 2015

Welcome back , TM Susan Tan after a long absence .  Glad to see DTM Rathy who is always busy with her Inner Wheel activities.  Those who have the strong passion and persistence do stay active in Toastmasters and try to attend its meetings regularly.  We hope our members understand that their presence is important for themselves and the development of the club too.

Nice to see some new faces at this meeting,  There's Cigku Ilzam Kamaruddin from MRSM Taiping.  Hope our guests will join us again and become Toastmasters too.

Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting on 18 Nov. 2015

TM Karunamurthy , the Toastmaster of the Evening conducted the fun Table Topics Session.


Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting on 4 November 2015

TM Timothy Mun , our new member does have good potentials to be an excellent speaker.  Hope to see him more often.
The ladies had a good time learning from each other.  We hope our guests will return to join us again. 
New Taiping Toastmasters Club members
TM Abdul Halim, the Toastmaster of the Evening conducted the meeting  attended by many Toastmasters and guests.
Toastmasters and guests listening attentively to the Table Topics Speaker.

Division H Joint Installation Dinner on 26th September 2015 at Summit Hotel, Bukit Mertajam

Vice President , TM Aileen Oon received the Distinguished Club Award from
Division H Director, DTM Y.S. Lee.
Taiping Toastmasters with fellow Toastmasters from other clubs in Division H.  
Taiping Toastmasters Club received the  Distinguished Club Award  for 2014/2015 . Thanks and appreciation to Immediate Past President , President Lawren Yong . Congratulations to President TM Corrine Eng on her winning
the Toastmaster of the Year Award of Area H1 2014/2015.  
Hope our Taiping Toastmasters Club will achieve further success in the near future.  

Toastmasters International Division H International Speech & Evaluation Contests 2015/2016

DTM SukhdevSingh was the Test Speaker for the Evaluation Contest 
 DTM Sukhdev Singh, President TM Corrine Eng, Vice President for Education, TM Aileen Oon and
 Secretary, TM Karunamurthy attended the event in Jit Sin Alumni Building in Bukit Mertajam.

                                               Group Photo taken after the contests.

Division H International Speech Contest - Champion- TM Selvaraj ( Ipoh TM Club ),  Second -TM Mike Foong and Third - TM  Lim Chia Thean 

Taiping Toastmasters Club Board Meeting on 24 September 2015

Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting on 17 September 2015

Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting on 2 September 2015

Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting on 28 October 2015

TM Mohanee conducted the meeting as the Toastmaster of the Evening. The theme was "Living A Purposeful Life".
Thank you, Mr Alex from the Kamunting Tuition Centre who attended the meeting with the lady teacher and a few students.  Nice to see TM Keshmin again.