Monday 23 May 2016

Our new Toastmasters Club members Inducted in May 2016

We welcome our new Toastmasters, TM Ramachandran , TM Olga Siril and TM Syed Zukhairi to our Taiping Toastmasters Club.  They were inducted by TM Mohanee , Vice President of Membership on 4 May 2016 during our club meeting.  We will help and guide our new members along this TM Journey. 

Sunday 22 May 2016

End of the 2015 - 2016 Term Meetings in June 2016

There are two more meetings before the 2015 - 2016 term ends. They are on the 1st  and 15 th June .   President TM Corrine Eng and her Exco Board members had been working hard and our club has achieved successes in the educational programme as well as in membership participation.  We are on the way to achieve the President Distinguished Club status .  Well done!

The new Exco Board members or club officers under our new President, TM Susan Tan will be installed in a ceremony on Friday, 1 July ( Please take note that it has been brought forward as the first Wednesday, 6 th July is the first day of Hari Raya Aidil Fitri ) .  All who are interested in joining us for  dinner at the Panorama Hotel Restaurant , do contact us in advance.  

1 JULY 2016 - Taiping Toastmasters Club Installation Ceremony For New Office Bearers 2016/2017

Friday, 1 July 2016 is our Taiping Toastmasters Club Installation Ceremony for the New Officer Bearers for 2016 -2017 and Club Dinner .
( There won't be any meeting on the  Wednesday, July 6 which is Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.)
Those who can join us for the dinner at the Panorama Hotel Restaurant , please inform our incoming President , TM Susan Tan.
There are some fun activities planned for the evening too.  

May 18 Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting

Theme :  Celebrating Teachers
Toastmaster of the Evening:  TM Angie Ng
Word of the day :  Legacy
Word Master: TM Lawren Yong
Grammarian:  TM Laren Yong
Inspirer:  DTM Sukhdev Singh
Table Topics Master: TM Karunamurthy
TableTopics Evaluator:  TM Aileen Oon
General Evaluator : DTM Rathy Mahendran
Ah Counter: TM Mabel Shu
Timer:  TM Balraaj Singh
Project Speeches ( 4 )
1.  TM Corrine Eng :  Project 8 from CC Manual, "Health Is Wealth"
     Evaluator:  TM Lawrence Yong
2.  TM Ramachandran:  Project 2 from CC Manual, " War"
     Evaluator: TM Aileen Oon
3.  TM Ow Yeang :  Final Project from CC Manual, " Dash".  ( Entitled for CC )
     Evaluator:  TM Nithia Kathamuthu
4.  TM Lawren Yong presented a speech, "Know Your Audience" , a project from the Successful Series manual.  Introduced by TM Karunamurthy
( Well done everyone .  Congratulations ! )
TM Balraaj Singh was inducted as a Toastmaster today by TM Mohanee Selvam, the Vice President of Membership. Congratulations and Welcome on board)
Attendance was good and there were a few young guests too.
It was a very interesting session and during break some nice food was served.  

Our new Toastmaster, Olga Siril in action during the Table Topics Session.  "Would you like to be a teacher?"

    TM Balraaj Singh was inducted as a Toastmaster by TM Mohanee , the Vice President of Membership .  Congratulations!