Sunday 22 May 2016

May 18 Taiping Toastmasters Club Meeting

Theme :  Celebrating Teachers
Toastmaster of the Evening:  TM Angie Ng
Word of the day :  Legacy
Word Master: TM Lawren Yong
Grammarian:  TM Laren Yong
Inspirer:  DTM Sukhdev Singh
Table Topics Master: TM Karunamurthy
TableTopics Evaluator:  TM Aileen Oon
General Evaluator : DTM Rathy Mahendran
Ah Counter: TM Mabel Shu
Timer:  TM Balraaj Singh
Project Speeches ( 4 )
1.  TM Corrine Eng :  Project 8 from CC Manual, "Health Is Wealth"
     Evaluator:  TM Lawrence Yong
2.  TM Ramachandran:  Project 2 from CC Manual, " War"
     Evaluator: TM Aileen Oon
3.  TM Ow Yeang :  Final Project from CC Manual, " Dash".  ( Entitled for CC )
     Evaluator:  TM Nithia Kathamuthu
4.  TM Lawren Yong presented a speech, "Know Your Audience" , a project from the Successful Series manual.  Introduced by TM Karunamurthy
( Well done everyone .  Congratulations ! )
TM Balraaj Singh was inducted as a Toastmaster today by TM Mohanee Selvam, the Vice President of Membership. Congratulations and Welcome on board)
Attendance was good and there were a few young guests too.
It was a very interesting session and during break some nice food was served.  

Our new Toastmaster, Olga Siril in action during the Table Topics Session.  "Would you like to be a teacher?"

    TM Balraaj Singh was inducted as a Toastmaster by TM Mohanee , the Vice President of Membership .  Congratulations!

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